Quality | Justin Fuller

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Style Pass
2024-10-25 11:00:02

My favorite series of all time just might be The Dark Tower by Stephen King. The opening line irresistibly sucks me in, "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." It's impossible to stop reading. It's better than Harry Potter. Dare I say it? It's better than Lord of The Rings. (If they can't find me after this, you know which fan bases to investigate first.) But mega-fanbase or not, the Dark Tower series is of the highest Quality.

I invite you to join me in a search for Quality. Like The Gunslinger's opening line, the idea of Quality irresistibly pulls me in. What on earth is it? More importantly: how can I have it? How can I make it? If the answer is obvious to you, it's not to me. I've tried so many times to capture Quality, only for it to slip through my fingers. I can assure you honestly at the outset that, although I have a few vague ideas, I have no clue where this search will lead. So, let's step into the desert and give Quality a good chase.

Although searching for Quality in my favorite series would seem a sensible thing to do, I feel compelled to first look somewhere a bit more lighthearted. So, instead, let's turn our attention to Super Mario.

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