As you know from my last post, the man and I have finally moved out of the tent. We have bought our first home and have been living in it for the last

Appreciating the small things

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Style Pass
2023-01-26 07:30:08

As you know from my last post, the man and I have finally moved out of the tent. We have bought our first home and have been living in it for the last three and a half weeks. The change is phenomenal – it is literally leaping from one end of the spectrum to the other. After 10 months of having to pee outside (in the night, if I was desperate enough – I might add) to having an ensuite with a really rather powerful shower. I’ve gone from huddling up in countless blankets around a 3kw electric radiator to having central heating – which I haven’t even needed to turn on yet because instead of a thin canvas layer shielding me from the elements, I have thick walls, insulation and double glazing to keep to chills out.

Don’t worry – I have not forgotten that I am writing a blog called Who Needs a House Anyway? and living in the tent was by no means a hardship. It was a fantastic experience and what I am trying to say is not how hard it was for us, but that after going without all the home comforts, now that we have them, we really really appreciate them. So I guess, in answer to my own question, no one really needs a house, and we have the proof of that, but when you have one – it is rather good!

We had an amazing 10 months in our tent and honestly, it was one of the best decisions we have ever made – it has had a massive impact on me as a person, given us a lot of memories and I have learnt so much along the way, not just about tents, but myself, my lovely husband and life in general. This all sounds really deep and meaningful, but living in tent has given me a really good sense of perspective and we can definitely say we worked to get where we are now!

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