You’ve probably scanned the emails, seen the banner in the dashboard, or read other articles… Heroku’s new platform is coming soon and promising a lot of big changes. If you’re like us, you’re probably feeling some tension. On one hand, Heroku remains the most seamless PaaS experience and we still recommend them for new apps. On the other, Heroku’s product really hasn’t changed much at all in about a decade. Generally, that’s a good thing, but we’ve wondered what the team at Heroku has been doing with their development time these last few years…
Turns out, the answer is “Fir” — the codename for the new application stack. And, being that Cedar was launched in early 2011, this is a pretty big deal. While Heroku had some traffic and popularity in >=2011, essentially the entirety of Heroku as we know it today was built on Cedar. So making a huge change after 14 years is big news!
But let’s jump straight to our interesting findings here. First, there’s not a ton of documentation out about Fir quite yet. At the moment (Jan 2025) it’s in early beta for private spaces users — that’s it. So there’s a ton we still don’t know. But, there are some docs starting to get released and give us some teasers of what Fir might have in store. Here’s what we’ve found so far…