Write yourself a Git!

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Style Pass
2021-08-05 19:00:07

This article is an attempt at explaining the Git version control system from the bottom up, that is, starting at the most fundamental level moving up from there. This does not sound too easy, and has been attempted multiple times with questionable success. But there’s an easy way: all it takes to understand Git internals is to reimplement Git from scratch.

It’s not a joke, and it’s really not complicated: if you read this article top to bottom and write the code (or just clone the repository — but you should write the code yourself, really), you’ll end up with a program, called wyag, that will implement all the fundamental features of git: init, add, rm, status, commit, log… in a way that is perfectly compatible with git itself. The last commit of this article was actually created with wyag, not git. And all that in exactly 503 lines of very simple Python code.

But isn’t Git too complex for that? That Git is complex is, in my opinion, a misconception. Git is a large program, with a lot of features, that’s true. But the core of that program is actually extremely simple, and its apparent complexity stems first from the fact it’s often deeply counterintuitive (and Git is a burrito blog posts probably don’t help). But maybe what makes Git the most confusing is the extreme simplicity and power of its core model. The combination of core simplicity and powerful applications often makes thing really hard to grasp, because of the mental jump required to derive the variety of applications from the essential simplicity of the fundamental abstraction (monads, anyone?)

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