You can program your mind into doing anything. First, understand this is a powerful statement. It gives a lot of agency to the individual who believes

Kartikay's Blog

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2024-07-02 02:00:15

You can program your mind into doing anything. First, understand this is a powerful statement. It gives a lot of agency to the individual who believes in it. There is nothing you can't do. But how to do this programming?

The key is something called dopamine deprivation. I realised this when I went to Vipasna. It is a 10-day meditation course. They take your phone. You are not supposed to talk or look anyone in the eyes. You only eat the food at the ashram. No food after 5. Sleep at 10 pm. Wake up at 4 am. Meditate all day.

I remember being giddy with joy over my first phone call after the experience. How miraculous is this technology that i can talk over such long distances! The phone call was the same. Just my baseline expectations (ie: dopamine levels) changed. For many of us, the brain is used to different and higher levels of stimulation. So it resists the seemingly boring task you want it to do.

Let's take an example. I hate going through ill-maintained, horribly documented codebases. If I have to work with them I need a lot of patience to find the right things. A tedious task. For a personal project, I had to do this. So what did I do?

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