From 0 to 500 stars: Logdy GitHub journey in 3 months ​

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2024-05-12 23:00:04

In this post, I'm going to describe how Logdy GitHub repository reached over 500 stars in 3 months. Starting from scratch with zero followers, subscribers and only a problem that seems to be interesting to solve.

This article can be a great insight if you're planning to start an open-source project and discover how to promote it. I hope I will at least inspire some people.

I want to encourage everyone who thinks about starting a project on their own, whether it's a side hustle or OSS contribution - do it now!

Let me start with some motivation behind building Logdy. It all started with messy terminal logs during development, the one that is very verbose and detailed, but at the same time too noisy when it comes to finding anything.

I started to wonder, why there are so many tools that accommodate logs on production but not much when it comes to development time. In the end, a fast feedback loop is one of the key drivers of fast development time. Debugging and finding information can become a bottleneck when fixing bugs or solving a mystery case.

Of course, in the true spirit of TDD, I am spending the time on test development, there, I have a debugger and a very limited surface of the code that is being invoked at the moment. The problem arises whenever I start working on the frontend with a real backend setup or run some scenarios through the UI. The frontend app will send multiple requests which will end up with multiple lines of raw logs in my terminal during development time.

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