Why it matters: A 2019 survey of California community college students found that 16% of students were homeless and that 60% had experienced housing i

An endowment for housing?

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2024-10-18 17:00:06

Why it matters: A 2019 survey of California community college students found that 16% of students were homeless and that 60% had experienced housing insecurity, including the inability to pay rent, having to move frequently, or living in a place where personal safety is compromised. The lack of affordable housing can create a barrier to persistence and graduation.

The backstory: After community college enrollment plummeted during the pandemic, California awarded hundreds of millions of dollars to campuses that committed to building housing below market value. But at Sierra College upstate, administrators knew that paying $450 a month for rent would not be feasible for some students.

What's next: Sierra College’s new dorm is slated to open next fall. Meanwhile, other campuses have reached out to the college to learn more about its endowment program.

Community colleges across California are searching for ways to help students who don’t have stable housing. And for at least one college, that now includes donations for room and board.

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