This interview with Isabella Boemeke was originally published on  Palladium Magazine on September 21, 2022. It was featured in  PALLADIUM 07: Garden P

The Palladium Letter

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2024-10-18 04:00:02

This interview with Isabella Boemeke was originally published on Palladium Magazine on September 21, 2022. It was featured in PALLADIUM 07: Garden Planet.

It is now 2053. The ducted fans roar as your taxi drone comes in for landing on a near-ballistic trajectory. The G-forces take some getting used to, but no one in a hurry uses surface cars anymore; too hard to automate, too slow, and too constrained by the built environment. Better to jump.

You spot her waiting there on the far side of the rooftop garden as the door pops open. The recharge cable robot shuffles out of your way as you step out of the craft and off the jump pad. You start winding along the mossy paths between sword ferns and flowering trees. The bees whiz by on their rounds. The new government palaces all have these lush wildlife gardens, laid out for socializing and contemplation. It’s the perfect spot to meet an important citizen.

You were worried about meeting outside on such a hot day, but the garden is moist and comfortably shaded. The building’s cloud generator emulates the microclimate of the local valleys when the fog rolls in.

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