This book provides an introduction to the high-level concepts behind query engines and walks through all aspects of building a fully working SQL query

How Query Engines Work by Andy Grove [Leanpub PDF/iPad/Kindle]

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2024-04-01 16:00:18

This book provides an introduction to the high-level concepts behind query engines and walks through all aspects of building a fully working SQL query engine in Kotlin.

Please note that this is a short introductory book (around 100 pages). Around 4% of readers ask for a refund because they were expecting something far more comprehensive.

Andy Grove has worked on numerous projects that required custom query engines or integrations with existing query engines and this book provides an approachable introduction to the topic.

The book provides an introduction to the high-level concepts behind query engines and walks through every step of building a SQL query engine in Kotlin with full source code available in a companion github repository. Most of the book is programming language agnostic and Kotlin was chosen for the code examples due to its conciseness and readability. The concepts should be easily translatable to other programming languages.

Andy is a PMC member of Apache Arrow where he donated the initial Rust implementation and later donated the DataFusion query engine.

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