How often do you find yourself wondering if you're doing your job well? The actions and decisions of a leader have a greater impact than those of an i

Lead Through Mistakes

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2024-12-12 08:30:03

How often do you find yourself wondering if you're doing your job well? The actions and decisions of a leader have a greater impact than those of an individual contributor and can be a hindrance to the progress of the team and the organization. I know, I know, I've already talked about metrics and strategies for measuring leader's success here 👇:

Far be it from me to repeat the same concepts again. What I want to do instead is look at it from the opposite perspective: how do I know if I'm not doing my job well? I've identified four Critical Areas where a leader's underperformance can have a negative impact.

This Critical Area deals with the specific behaviors of the leader that can positively or negatively influence the team and the organization. Some signs of underperformance are the following ones.

You don’t demonstrate trust in the team's abilities and don’t create a work environment based on collaboration and sincerity.

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