Does this sentence sound familiar to you? If so, you’re not alone. It’s that inner voice that always makes you feel responsible for everything, ev

Lead Through Mistakes

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2024-10-31 03:00:02

Does this sentence sound familiar to you? If so, you’re not alone. It’s that inner voice that always makes you feel responsible for everything, even when things go wrong for reasons beyond your control.

We tend to internalize responsibilities for various reasons: because we want to maintain high standards, or because guilt gives us a sense of control (paradoxically, thinking everything depends on us seems to simplify things). But this creates a vicious cycle: the more you convince yourself it’s always your fault, the more it truly becomes that way in your mind. And that weight becomes paralyzing.

A few days ago, I had the chance to spend a couple of days with my lifelong friends, and while talking about this newsletter, one of them pointed out that I often focus on the leader's mistakes, as if they were the only one making them. This perspective made me think a lot, to the point that I wanted to share my reflections on my tendency to always place the blame on myself.

Thinking that everything is your fault harms both you and your team. Your mind starts focusing on revisiting every mistake to allow you to look ahead with clarity. This approach can also lead you to do everything yourself, avoid delegating, and prevent others from having the space to learn from their own mistakes.

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