New supply-chain security tool: backseat-signed

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Style Pass
2024-04-03 06:30:04

Previous message (by thread): Arch Linux minimal container userland 100% reproducible - now what? Next message (by thread): New supply-chain security tool: backseat-signed Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Hello, I'm going to keep this short, I've been writing a lot of text recently (which is quite exhausting, on top of my dayjob and all the code I wrote today afterwards. Apologies if you're still waiting for a reply in one of the other threads). I figured out a somewhat straight-forward way to check if a given `git archive` output is cryptographically claimed to be the source input of a given binary package in either Arch Linux or Debian (or both). I believe this to be the "reproducible source tarball" thing some people have been asking about. As explained in the README, I believe reproducing autotools-generated tarballs isn't worth everybody's time and instead a distribution that claims to build from source should operate on VCS snapshots instead of tarballs with 25k lines of pre-generated shell-script. Building from VCS snapshots is already the case for a large number of Arch Linux packages (through auto-generated Github tarballs). Some packages have been actively converted to VCS snapshots by Arch Linux staff in response to the xz incident. This tool highlights the concept of "canonical sources", which is supposed to give guidance on what to code review. This is also why I think code signing by upstream is somewhat low priority, since the big distros can form consensus around "what's the source code" regardless. The README shows how to verify Arch Linux and Debian build cmatrix from the same source code - they may both still apply patches (which would be considered part of the build instructions), but the specified source input is the same. This tarball can also be bit-for-bit reproduced from VCS by taking a `git archive` snapshot of the v2.0 tag in the cmatrix repository. (If somebody ever tells you programming in Rust is slower, I wrote the entirety of this codebase within a few hours of a single day) Let me know what you think. 🖤 Happy feet, kpcyrd

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