ComfyUI is a popular no-code, visual editor for building complex image generation workflows. Because of its ease of use and customizability, the commu

How to run ComfyUI from prototype to production on Modal | Modal Blog

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2024-04-02 18:30:08

ComfyUI is a popular no-code, visual editor for building complex image generation workflows. Because of its ease of use and customizability, the community of ComfyUI users has built an impressive collection of workflows in a relatively short period of time, such as:

Prototyping with ComfyUI is fun and easy, but there isn’t a lot of guidance today on how to “productionize” your workflow, or serve it as part of a larger application. In this blog post, I’m going to show you how you can use Modal to manage your ComfyUI development process from prototype to production as a scalable API endpoint.

Check out our ComfyUI API example, which stands up a web endpoint that takes a prompt and input image via http request, runs the ComfyUI inpainting example, and writes the generated image to a volume.

This spins up a container running ComfyUI that you can access at a url like https://<your-workspace-name>

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