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Style Pass
2024-10-14 12:00:03

The C++ program reflects on the layout of a struct’s data members. The main goal of this code is to determine and print the memory offsets and sizes of each member within a struct.

The first part of the code defines a std::array named layout, which is intended to store descriptors for each member of the struct. These descriptors include the offset and size of each member. The [: expand(nonstatic_data_members_of(^S)) :] construct is a placeholder for a metaprogramming construct that iterates over the non-static data members of the struct S. This construct is only a temporary workaround and is followed by a lambda function that captures the current state by reference (&) and initializes an index variable i to zero. The lambda function is then applied to each data member, storing the offset and size of each member in the layout array and incrementing the index i.

The struct X is defined with three data members: a char named a, an int named b, and a double named c. These members are used to demonstrate the reflection mechanism.

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