There is much to learn when things break. Think about the Large Hadron Collider (LHS) at the CERN in Switzerland. Scientists accelerate particles like protons, lead and iron with much energy and SMASH them into each other. They make a huge mess, sift through the debris in order to find something valueable. Like the Higgs field and the Higgs boson (the “Goddamn particle”) that happen to give all other particles their mass. It is no coincidence that the CERN also invented the World Wide Web, which is the LHC’s precursor experiment (just kidding).
In the spirit of moving fast (99.9999991% the speed of light) and breaking things, my Firefox browser is configured to block all cookies, ads, tracking and other privacy invasions. Firefox will warn you that it “will cause websites to break”. This somehow reverses cause and effect, but indeed, some web sites self-destruct when the browser rejects cookies. As a web dev, I can handle that, for example by opening the site in a browser instance that allows cookies.
When the browser blocks cookies, it not only ignores the Cookie HTTP header and document.cookie, it also blocks access to the JavaScript storage APIs localStorage and sessionStorage. When a script merely accesses these objects, the script is terminated with an exception.