Distributed systems are characterized by nodes executing concurrently with no shared state and no common clock. Coordination between nodes are needed to satisfy some correctness properties, but since coordination requires message communication there is a performance tradeoff preventing nodes from frequently communicating/coordinating.
Why do the nodes, in particular database nodes, need coordinating anyway? The goal of coordination among nodes is to perform event ordering and align independent timelines of nodes with respect to each other. This is why timestamping events and ordering them is very important. Nodes run concurrently without knowing what the other nodes are doing at the moment. They learn about each other's states/events only by sending and receiving messages and this information by definition come from the past state of the nodes. Each node needs to compose a coherent view of the system from these messages and all the while the system is moving along advancing and changing state. This is like trying to compose a panaromic snapshot of a parade moving down the street only by using small 4x6 photos shot by the participants at arbitrary times.
In 1978, Leslie Lamport captured the ordering relationship between events in a distributed system by introducing a neat abstraction called logical clocks. Logical clocks timestamp events based on causality (happened-before) which comes from either precedence within the same thread of execution at the node or via message communication received from another node.