A few years ago, a lot of things suddenly changed: I finished my studies, quit my job, and went full time on my own projects. My life went from having

How to be productive when you don't have external structure

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2024-10-05 16:30:02

A few years ago, a lot of things suddenly changed: I finished my studies, quit my job, and went full time on my own projects. My life went from having an external structure to having no structure at all.

Finally, I wasn’t working on anyone else’s agenda anymore. No one telling me what to do. I could use my time however I wanted to and work on projects that were fulfilling and meaningful to me.

I started sleeping an enormous amount of time. Throughout the day I would watch videos and surf the web, and then meet up with friends until I went to sleep again. And only once in a while would I work a tiny bit on my projects. Boy did I struggle to get anything done!

My friend Rico Trebeljahr was in a similar situation, and together we sat down to figure out what was going wrong. What was holding us back from being productive? And how could we support each other along the way?

This post is an exploration of the system Rico and I have developed for ourselves. We’ve been using and refining it for a couple of years.

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