A quick glance at the React 19 Beta feature set

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Style Pass
2024-04-30 23:30:05

The React 19 Beta release is out and the accompanying blog post is a great read. Here's a quick glance at the new features and improvements that are part of this release.

Insight: A common misunderstanding is that Server Components are denoted by "use server", but there is no directive for Server Components. The "use server" directive is used for Server Actions.

This is a pretty exciting release, given the last significant release from React was March 29, 2022. The wheels are moving again!

React continues to evolve and solve a combination of new problems while fixing some of the pain points with nice quality of life improvements.

I do get the feeling that with the introduction of Server Components, the mental model of React now becomes dynamic and more complicated depending on your use case, maybe that will prove out in time as frameworks adopt it and provide opinionated workflows around it.

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