I help over 80 software engineers lead in their day jobs and build SaaS on the side. I’m a full-time Senior Developer and part-time solopreneur. Join DW News, my weekly newsletter, for insights on leadership and entrepreneurship.
I’m David Weiss, an engineering leader and a solopreneur. I started this newsletter for one reason — to help people like you.
Welcome to part two of my series on major mistakes in my career. Last week I wrote about why you should ask for what you want. This week I want to share the importance of learning new technologies.
I wish I could travel back to the early years of my career. I’d tell myself to stay curious and keep learning. I can’t do that, but I can do the next best thing – share what I’ve learned and help other software engineers avoid the same mistake.
These are the things I used to say to convince myself I didn’t need to learn more. But the only thing this did was stress me out when I finally paid attention.