Movement Charter - Meta

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2024-07-02 09:00:03

The Wikimedia Movement is an international, sociocultural movement, whose vision is to bring free knowledge to the whole world. This Wikimedia Movement Charter (“Charter”) lays out the values, principles, and policy basis for Wikimedia Movement structures, including the roles and responsibilities of existing and new entities, and of decision-making bodies in the shared vision of free knowledge. This Charter applies to everyone and everything officially associated with the Wikimedia Movement: all individual and institutional participants, movement entities, projects, and online and offline spaces.

By defining the Wikimedia Movement and its values, this Charter aims to make it easier for stakeholders to collaborate with each other in a manner which fosters the Wikimedia Movement vision. This will help:

The Wikimedia Movement is based on and embraces a factual, verifiable, open, and inclusive approach to knowledge-sharing. All decision-making throughout the Wikimedia Movement needs to be made on the basis of and reflect these shared principles and values.

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