I wasn’t always aware of this. Only after reading The Power of Moments did I realize how defining moments shape our memories and, by extension, our lives. Looking back on the past, I don’t remember everything; I just remember the moments — peaks of joy, pain, or transformation.
One such moment happened 19 years ago during recess in 1st grade. I was playing with a toy I found — a broken piece of something discarded — when the class monitor approached. He looked at me, then at my toy, and back at me. Something felt off. Moments later he called over two other kids to surround me. Then, he snatched it.
I protested, the cool kid that I was, but he dismissed me: “No, I get this.” “Why?” “Because I’m the leader,” he said with a smile.
That was nonsense. At that moment, I vowed to take his place — not because I wanted power, but because no leader should behave that way (or maybe, I just wanted revenge for taking my toy)