Istio and Cilium are two popular open-source projects that work together to help you manage your microservices. Istio is a service mesh that lets you

Improve your EKS cluster with Istio and Cilium

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2024-04-25 07:30:07

Istio and Cilium are two popular open-source projects that work together to help you manage your microservices. Istio is a service mesh that lets you control and secure your services.

Cilium is a Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin that handles the networking and security policies for your Kubernetes cluster.

By using these two tools together, you can get the benefits of both networking and service mesh features. This will make your Kubernetes environment more flexible, scalable, and secure.

Istio is a popular open-source service mesh framework that provides a comprehensive solution for managing, securing, and observing microservices-based applications running on Kubernetes.

At its core, Istio acts as a transparent layer that intercepts all network traffic between services, allowing it to apply various policies and perform advanced traffic management tasks.

Cilium stands out among the various Container Network Interfaces (CNI) available for Kubernetes. Built around eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter), Cilium focuses on networking, observability, and security within Kubernetes networking.

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