To Be Pontius Pilate (GPT-generated)

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2024-12-13 01:30:03

Every night, Max experienced extraordinary dreams. He wasn’t just a passive observer of historical events — he was an active participant, and every choice he made altered the dream’s reality. Upon waking, he realized these dreams were more than illusions; they were a challenge.

Max found himself in St. Petersburg in 1905, standing in the square before the Winter Palace. A crowd of protesters faced off against the Tsar’s guard. Max, dressed as a priest, stood beside Georgy Gapon. He knew this demonstration would end in bloodshed, yet he now had a choice: try to stop the march forward or let history take its course.

He pushed aside thoughts of what this might change. But the guards opened fire. Max rushed into the crowd, desperately trying to stop the violence.

When he woke, he read online about a different history: “Bloody Sunday” was now called the “Day of Peace,” though revolution had still followed later.

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