When you work for the largest corporation in the world, a company that has its fingers in every pie, its eyes on every street corner, its boots on every neck forever, it can be hard to keep track of all the various products and services the company has on offer.
In order to better acquaint my self with the various divisions, subdivisions, warrens, cubicles, hidey-holes, pecuniary traps, ratsicle stands, and sidesteps into malfeasance that such a vast enterprise must grow and batten on I have decided to make a semi-regular research and posting of results regarding one financial domain of the company and some of our more interesting products and services on offer in said domain.
For the modern person on the go it can be useful to automate some of the secondary procedures of life — the secondary procedures of life are those that do not require your undivided attention and or presence.
Our Telephonic services are divided into services designed for end users to interact with other end users, services for end users to interact with businesses and organizations, and services for businesses and organizations to interact with end users.