I created a small NodeJS script to setup a single instance or cluster of redis-masters (3+): https://gist.github.com/stavalfi/f5c8c5373c1e619dfde53853

Redis Server— Debuging Performance

submited by
Style Pass
2021-08-15 11:30:06

I created a small NodeJS script to setup a single instance or cluster of redis-masters (3+): https://gist.github.com/stavalfi/f5c8c5373c1e619dfde53853b178935c

Check if you are using Redis-Cluster in production or not. To run single instance: ts-node <file-name>.ts 1 or ts-node <file-name>.ts 3 for redis-cluster of master-instances.

Well, we are going to test performance so we want to *avoid* any network latencies, any virtualizations performance degregations: k8s, docker, aws EC2, VMs, ….

In my service, I use multi, pipeline and lua-scripts. My goal is to see which redis-calls were made over time. At this point, I care less which operation made the redis-call (multi/pipeline/lua/…).

Note: In this section, it is best to use single redis instance (not cluster) because if you are using cluster, then you will need to monitor every instance seperatly.

<unix timestamp in microseconds> [@ <client-ip>:<client-port>] “<redis-command> “…redis-command params…”

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