This is a public draft that attempts to summarise my thoughts on the arts. I’ve toyed with the core of these ideas for several years. What is presen

Art, from the Ground Up

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2024-07-06 15:00:03

This is a public draft that attempts to summarise my thoughts on the arts. I’ve toyed with the core of these ideas for several years. What is presented here is a snapshot as at now, of the solutions I’ve found to problems that have plagued me since I started looking seriously at the creative output of the world around me.

Following a conversation with a friend about “Art Music”, I wish to layout an approach to thinking about the arts in general, and Art in particular.

I tackle this from a kind of first principles: whereas art begins with human intentionality (and the recognition of such), the sense of art must begin from the human judgement of its natural surrounding. The aesthetic response should have a natural, pre-sapient basis, in recognising that some things in nature are good, bad or so and so.

I take a materialist position and assert that human value judgement has its basis in its bestial aspect, and only evolves into what we’re familiar with with the development of more sophisticated cognitive faculties.

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