AV1 is an increasingly important video format and it needs a memory safe, high performance decoder. We worked with the team at Immunant to develop rav

Porting C to Rust for a Fast and Safe AV1 Media Decoder

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2024-09-09 21:00:04

AV1 is an increasingly important video format and it needs a memory safe, high performance decoder. We worked with the team at Immunant to develop rav1d, a Rust-based port of dav1d, a C decoder. This is the first of two blog posts about how the team approached this effort.

Complex data parsing is one of the most security-critical operations in modern software. Browsers must decode untrusted audio and video inputs encoded with extremely complicated formats in real time. Memory safety bugs in this decoding process are disastrous and common. For example, researchers fuzzing H.264 decoder implementations have demonstrated that these decoders are a dangerous source of bugs. AV1 is a similarly complex, widely used video format. We need a memory safe, performant implementation of AV1 format parsing to avoid parsing vulnerabilities in heavily targeted software such as browsers.

To create this fast and safe AV1 decoder, we have ported an existing high performance AV1 decoding library, dav1d, from C to Rust: rav1d. Our implementation is drop-in compatible with the dav1d C API. Format parsers that were unsafe C are now memory safe Rust. To preserve performance, we have kept the (unsafe) native assembly routines that implement low-level decoding operations. These assembly routines primarily operate on buffers of primitive values using validated data from the Rust parsing code. Historically, most exploitable bugs are in higher level format parsing code, rather than low level data operations. We will continue to fuzz and analyze the assembly routines to mitigate memory corruption bugs at that level.

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