In November of 2023, ISRG held an event in San Francisco called Tectonics. Our goal was to discuss solutions for moving forward with memory safety for

A Readout from Tectonics

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2024-04-19 20:30:05

In November of 2023, ISRG held an event in San Francisco called Tectonics. Our goal was to discuss solutions for moving forward with memory safety for critical Internet infrastructure. We had a group of about 50 people at the center of the memory safety movement, from engineers to public policy and corporate decision makers. We could not have asked for a better group.

Just from having spent the day together, we've seen connections and conversations continue between groups that previously weren't working together.

For example - folks from Tweede golf met folks from Immunant at the event. Tweede golf is now contributing to the memory safe AV1 decoder that Immunant is working on, and Immunant is contributing to the memory safe zlib implementation that Tweede golf is working on. We love to see it!

Across all of our tracks there was quite a bit of discussion about general issues that prevent developers and organizations from moving to safer languages. The main issues identified were:

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