As I reflect on my journey as a programmer, from my university days to where I am now in 2024, I realize how much I've grown and learned. This blog po

Minami's Bubble 🫧

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2024-09-19 17:00:07

As I reflect on my journey as a programmer, from my university days to where I am now in 2024, I realize how much I've grown and learned. This blog post is about the mistakes I made, the self-doubt I faced, and how I ultimately found my way to becoming a more confident and skilled programmer.

When I started my programming journey in university, I was like a ship without a compass, drifting from one technology to another without a clear direction.

I spent countless hours watching YouTube tutorials, jumping from one video to another. While these tutorials provided quick wins, they didn't help me build a solid foundation. I was coding, but not really understanding.

Instead of focusing on mastering one programming language, I kept switching between different languages. The same went for frameworks – I'd start learning one, then jump to another before getting proficient in any. This constant switching left me with surface-level knowledge in many areas but expertise in none. I would say get good in a programming language you love and later on in your career you can try different programming languages.

I often found myself choosing technologies or projects based on what I thought would impress others, rather than what would actually help me grow as a developer. This need for external validation held me back from pursuing what truly interested me.

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