Civilization is on the precipice, where it is about to leave behind the ability for any individual to discern reality. The clarity of truth is having

The Cartesian Crisis: Why You Will Believe Nothing

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2024-10-21 04:30:07

Civilization is on the precipice, where it is about to leave behind the ability for any individual to discern reality. The clarity of truth is having its foundations ripped apart by various entities, leaving society adrift with no illuminated navigational fixture by which it can save itself from drowning in a sea of illusions.

The Cartesian Crisis arises when the state of civilization is such that individuals are no longer able to know the certainty of any information. It is the existence in a world devoid of verifiable truth or reality. The ability to discern reality is a fundamental necessity for the mind to function sanely. Consequently, this scenario presumes an outcome in which the world descends into abject disorder, as truth and reason fall, and the walls between the sane and the insane no longer exists.

It includes failures of institutions of knowledge that have succumbed to goals unaligned with their purported mission, resulting in guidance poisoned by propaganda and ideology.

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