I remember, when Node.js burst into the development world some 15 years back there was a lot of chatter around it. Devs were thrilled with the idea of

Node.js Metrics: Speed, Merge Time Analysis

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2024-09-29 21:30:05

I remember, when Node.js burst into the development world some 15 years back there was a lot of chatter around it. Devs were thrilled with the idea of using JavaScript, a language traditionally confined to the browser, for server-side scripting.

It opened up a world of possibilities, enabling developers to use a single language across the entire stack. I remember the kind of buzz it generated. As there was finally a runtime environment that promised to streamline web development processes.

However, Node.js too started losing some of its shine as newer technologies such as Deno, Bun, Golang, Rust, etc. entered the market.

Having said that, Node.js still prides itself on a strong community and is extensively used for building scalable network applications. Its non-blocking, event-driven architecture makes it a great choice for applications that require real-time data processing.

But, how efficient is the engineering pipeline of its repository? Are they able to meet their software development deadlines? Are there any bottlenecks that’s slowing their development efficiency? Let’s have a look at it.

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