Did you know that the albums you purchase on Bandcamp can disappear from your collection without notice? This can happen for various reasons. For exam

Reverse engineering Bandcamp authentication protocol

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Style Pass
2024-04-04 17:00:05

Did you know that the albums you purchase on Bandcamp can disappear from your collection without notice? This can happen for various reasons. For example, a seller might decide on a whim to remove the album from the platform. Bandcamp apparently allows this in their terms of use:

The only way to make sure your albums stay in your possession is to download them immediately after purchase. Heck, even Bandcamp officially recommends this:

However, even if the album has been removed, and you hadn’t dowloaded it, not all is lost. In the Bandcamp mobile app, you can continue to listen to all your albums (but without the option to download them), even after they’ve been removed from the platform. This obviously means that Bandcamp doesn’t delete the actual content from their servers. And if the app can still access the lost albums, so can everyone who is patient enough to reverse engineer the app. Surprisingly, no one has done this by now. Could it be that it’s impossible? Let’s dive in and see what’s going on inside the Bandcamp app!

As always, my first step was to inspect the network traffic between the Bandcamp app and their backend servers. My favorite tool for this purpose has always been Burp Suite Community Edition. After setting up the proxy and opening the collection page in the app, I quickly noticed the following HTTP request in proxy logs:

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