Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or an expert. I’m just some random guy who decided to look into heart disease for myself. I am sharing what I learned

Tackling High Lipoprotein(a): My Heart Health Journey

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Style Pass
2024-09-20 02:00:12

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or an expert. I’m just some random guy who decided to look into heart disease for myself. I am sharing what I learned along my journey. Please consult a medical professional if you have any questions.

I am a healthy 41-year-old, or so I thought. I got my biomarkers checked, and my test results revealed a surprising risk for heart disease. 

I exercise regularly, have stopped drinking alcohol, and typically get eight hours of sleep every night. My diet is rich in protein. I was doing all the right things.

Despite what I thought was a healthy lifestyle, I was surprised to learn that I was at significant risk for heart disease. A specific biomarker, Lipoprotein(a), puts me at a higher risk. It most likely runs in my family. I think my dad and grandfather had it based on their health history, and now I have it. 

Since it’s genetic, lifestyle changes won’t help as much. There’s no cure or drug I can take to “fix” the problem. It wasn’t something I expected to deal with in my early 40s. I went through all the emotions. I was in denial and then angry, and after a few months, I decided to figure out a plan.

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