S3ctor is a core developer of OpenMW, and has, like most of us to be fair, odd interests. This is the incredible story how he mixed two immensely cool things: Quake, and Morrowind, narrated by our hero himself!
Possibly the first thing anybody who has met me in person will say about me is that I am obsessed with game engines – and while OpenMW is my baby, my first love was idTech. At eight years old, I picked up a steel-book copy of Doom 3. Surprisingly, I ended up spending more time with the extras than the game itself. The developer documentary and Carmack’s E3 talk about the render pipeline and engine design captivated me completely. I have distinct memories of my young self barely understanding Carmack’s Reverse. I tried to explain it to other kids, to absolutely no reaction. Nobody else really understood, but it was the coolest thing in the world to me. All of this is to say that I have been interested in this technology since before I could read.
What we’re going to explore today is the history and process through which I developed a brand-new workflow for the OpenMW engine that allows modders to utilize arguably the most powerful component of old idTech – the brush-based level editor.