Linux Asceticism | rugu

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2024-11-10 10:30:04

Most well-known living philosophies -such as Cynicism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Buddhism, and Sufism- advocate some form of Asceticism. This could involve various acts such as fasting, deliberately confronting personal fears, or even something as subtle as choosing not to pour salt on food. But regardless of the specific way that these practices are pursued, the main goal remains the same: Strengthening your body and mind to make yourself indifferent to and indifferent from the things that are outside your control. That is to say, turn yourself into someone who can handle hardships with as few possessions as possible.

When people argue for using Linux, they often focus on either political or practical reasons. For instance, they may choose Linux because it supports the principles of software freedom and personal control. They may also choose it for reasons such as cost savings, customizability, flexibility to meet specific needs, performance, tool availability, and so on.

However, there’s another often-overlooked aspect that can make using a minimal Linux distribution worthwhile: using a minimal Linux distro on your personal computer is a form of Askesis -disciplined practices done for self-improvement. At first, it will probably feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. You’ll face many problems that you’ll need to solve. But you’ll also come to realize and understand better that many of the features you take for granted in an OS with a preconfigured desktop environment are actually separate components that need to exist on your system for you to have that functionality.

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