RISC-V Announces Ratification of the RVA23 Profile Standard

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2024-10-22 10:00:06

Vector and Hypervisor extensions are key mandatory components of the RVA23 Profile, addressing math-intensive workloads including AI/ML & cryptography, and enterprise hardware, operating systems and software workloads

Santa Clara, Calif. – Oct. 21, 2024 – RISC-V International , the global standards organization, today announced that the RVA23 Profile is now ratified. RVA Profiles align implementations of RISC-V 64-bit application processors that will run rich operating systems (OS) stacks from standard binary OS distributions. RVA Profiles are essential to software portability across many hardware implementations and help to avoid vendor lock-in. The newly ratified RVA23 Profile is a major release for the RISC-V software ecosystem and will help accelerate widespread implementation among toolchains and operating systems.

As the steward of the RISC-V standard, RISC-V has more than 80 technical working groups that collectively advance the capabilities of the RISC-V ISA. RISC-V addresses the need for portability across vendors with standard ISA Profiles for applications and systems software. Each Profile specifies which ISA features are mandatory or optional, providing a common target for software developers. Mandatory extensions can be assumed to be present, and optional extensions can be discovered at runtime and leveraged by optimized middleware, libraries, and applications. To be ratified, the RVA23 Profile underwent a lengthy development, review, and approval process across numerous working groups, before receiving the final ratification vote by the RISC-V Board of Directors. 

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