If you use nothing in place of something, not much good will come of it. Warning bells should start ringing when a program uses undefined or null in p

TypeScript: undefined and null are nothing and should keep being nothing

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Style Pass
2024-05-10 06:00:05

If you use nothing in place of something, not much good will come of it. Warning bells should start ringing when a program uses undefined or null in place of something. Let me explain what I mean.

I believe that code should be clear about its intent, and avoid cleverness. There's nothing wrong with being clever, I guess, but clever code can be really annoying sometimes.

Some people (saying hi to myself from a few years ago 👋) have an annoying tendency of being both clever and not writing code comments because "my code is terse and clear already". Terse code is not automatically guaranteed to be clear, and clever code is almost guaranteed to be unclear.

The "nothing values" can keep meaning nothing. I'm not fond of JavaScript and TypeScript having both undefined and null. They're just artifacts of a bad language and a substandard type system.

Does a variable or property have an uninitialized state? Can it be cleared? Does it need to be able to be toggled? These are fine uses for nothing.

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