Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re open-sourcing Bemi! 💥 This is a fundamentally different approach to company building and we'll exp

From Black Box to Open Source: Embracing Transparency

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2024-02-09 22:00:10

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re open-sourcing Bemi! 💥 This is a fundamentally different approach to company building and we'll explain why this is the right decision for us.

For context — Bemi is a platform to automatically track contextualized PostgreSQL data changes and allows devs to leverage real-time data in their applications.

At the heart of our decision is the desire to build trust. We're committed to eliminating data black boxes by providing a direct line of sight into the inner workings of our platform.

Users sometimes express concerns about access to specific data. To address this, we can now easily point to the code and affirm that unless a table or column is explicitly specified, it remains unseen. This tangible proof ensures users that their data is handled as intended and instills confidence in our cloud offering.

Transparency comes with a greater surface area for feedback, making open sourcing a key approach for expanding our software's functionality. It invites a diverse range of perspectives, ensuring compatibility with different systems, and uncovers fresh applications—especially important for more generic infrastructure or database software.

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