Joystick's CLI automatically starts up your app's databases, HTTP server, and enables HMR for near-instant updates in development. Write CSS as a simp

Take control of your app

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2024-04-01 18:00:18

Joystick's CLI automatically starts up your app's databases, HTTP server, and enables HMR for near-instant updates in development.

Write CSS as a simple string, or, use Joystick's breakpoint syntax to whip up a responsive UI, quick. Styles are scoped automatically.

Tell Joystick what data you need for your component and it will fetch it during SSR. Fetch data on the client, too—all using simple APIs.

Click? Tap? Hover? Just wire up an event handler and go. Access that native DOM event and component instance, directly from your handler.

Render lists with a no-brainer each() method or handle conditionals with when(). Both pased directly to your component's render() function.

Need to ingest files from users? Just call to one of your app's uploaders and listen for progress events to create an interactive UI.

Joystick ships with an easy-to-understand API system for getting and setting data. Validate input, authorize access, use custom middleware, and talk to any data source.

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