Due to a very peculiar situation1, I'm spending all of 2025 on a technical sabbatical to learn Elixir inside & out. I've used Python for more than a decade to build some delightfully capable real-time systems, and now feels like a good time to level up. Elixir is the future, man.
Below you'll find my EoY proficiency targets, quarterly focus areas, key learning resources, and more. If you're an elixir expert or have technical sabbatical experience, please share your thoughts on how I can set myself up for success.
Nothing I can say here will do a better job than this presentation by Saša Jurić, author of Elixir in Action. Consider this your invitation to hit terminal velocity down the rabbit hole 🕳️
A useful Elixir package hosted on Github with solid documentation, a contribution guide, hex package, and everything needed to learn the ins & outs of running elixir releases.
The goal is to learn how to use Elixir to build awesome real-time websites. Since Phoenix Liveview hit 1.0 a few weeks ago, by March 2025 there should be plenty of updated tutorials and content. I'm also throwing in the Ash Framework as I think it'll help me manage the stack as I expand past the core of the language.