Plots, scatter plots, histograms and heatmaps in the terminal using braille dots, and foreground and background colors - with no dependancies. Make co

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2024-05-04 07:30:03

Plots, scatter plots, histograms and heatmaps in the terminal using braille dots, and foreground and background colors - with no dependancies. Make complex figures using the Figure class or make fast and simple plots using graphing function - similar to a very small sibling to matplotlib. Or use the canvas to plot dots, lines and images yourself.

Basic support for timeseries plotting is provided with release 3.2: for any X or Y values you can also add datetime.datetime, pendulum.datetime or numpy.datetime64 values. Labels are generated respecting the difference of x_limits and y_limits.

Support for heatmaps using background colors for figures and displaying images binary with braille, or in color with background colors using the canvas - provided with release 4.0

If you are still using python 2.7, please use plotille v4 or before. With v5 I am dropping support for python 2.7, as the effort to maintain the discontinued version is too much.

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