React Native serves as a practical technological solution, allowing the development of iOS and Android applications with native rendering capabilities

The Anatomy of React Native

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2024-06-07 09:00:02

React Native serves as a practical technological solution, allowing the development of iOS and Android applications with native rendering capabilities using React and JavaScript. We built the Hyperswitch SDK using React Native to ensure code reusability and cross platform compatibility. Let's revisit the basics and look at everything React Native has to offer!

There are two primary benefits of using React Native. Firstly, it enables web developers to write mobile applications that feel native using the most popular JavaScript UI library. 

Secondly, a significant portion of code written in React Native can be shared between platforms, streamlining concurrent development for both iOS and Android. Thus reducing engineering overhead involved in making separate iOS and Android Applications.

React Native  brings JavaScript code and Native code (Java/Kotlin for Android and Objective-C/Swift for iOS)  together and make them work seamlessly like a seasoned orchestrator.

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