People worry – sometimes with justification, but often without – about small things that might have tipped an interview or job hunting int

The One Interview Question That Lost You The Job

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Style Pass
2024-10-19 15:30:06

People worry – sometimes with justification, but often without – about small things that might have tipped an interview or job hunting interaction against them. Were they dressed “right”? Too dressed up? Not enough? They joined the zoom call 1 minute late, did that ruin the whole thing? Did they answer every single question? Did they ask too many questions themselves? And on and on and on.

My perspective – built from 35 years in tech as well as trying to help friends find their own new roles from time to time – is that most interviews are a series of moments that all add up. No individual moment is a deal-breaker. Instead, how a candidate “did” often comes down to the overall sense the interviewer feels after the entire conversation.

(I would say “vibe” here, but my kids have been very clear that the word is absolutely forbidden for my personal use.)

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