No registration / API key is required to use this API, but the currency rates are refreshed once a day and rate limiting may occur if you make too man

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2024-02-09 17:00:07

No registration / API key is required to use this API, but the currency rates are refreshed once a day and rate limiting may occur if you make too many requests. The module caches the results for a currency to disk, so that the API only needs to be queried once a day for a specified currency.

If you have registered at ExchangeRate-API, you can provide your API key via the -APIKey parameter of the Convert-Currency and Get-ExchangeRate cmdlets and this will invoke the v6 API.

See here for a list of supported currencies: Alternatively you can use the Get-Currency cmdlet.

If you would like to return the result as a formatted string including the currency symbol and rounded to a number of decimal places, execute:

This cmdlet rounds to two decimal places by default. To specify a different number of decimal places, use the -Decimals parameter:

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